Case Study:

Enhancing IT Efficiency

YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE: In a prominent IT department, a significant challenge emerged: a staggering 50% defect rate in the code production process. This issue was severely hindering their efforts to develop a robust online presence.

IconWE MEET YOU WHERE YOU ARE AT: In a prominent IT department, a significant challenge emerged: a staggering 50% defect rate in the code production process. This issue was severely hindering their efforts to develop a robust online presence.

Introduction of visual management techniques.
2. One-on-one training in the Work Excellence Method for the department head.
3. Development of a hands-on, physical work system using everyday materials for improved process visualization.

IconCONDUCT A WORKSHOP: The workshop phase marked a significant shift towards collaborative problem-solving. By gathering all team members, it facilitated a unified approach to understanding and addressing challenges. Utilizing simple, interactive tools such as yarn, post-it notes, and index cards, the team transformed traditional, abstract work processes into tangible, comprehensible formats. This hands-on approach not only made complex systems more accessible but also encouraged active participation. As team members engaged with these visual aids, communication barriers were broken down. This was instrumental in fostering a deeper, shared understanding of the tasks at hand, paving the way for identifying and resolving key issues within the work system.

IT Company Business Results


  • Consultation with external experts to specifically address the code development issues within the production system.
  • The new management system provided much-needed visibility, enabling the identification and rectification of core issues.

Expand And ScaleExpand And Scale

  • The department not only sustained the use of the management system but also realized significant financial benefits: over five years, they eliminated $55 million in costs and reduced dependency on external contractors.
  • The department head, having been promoted to VP of Infrastructure, expanded the training across other teams, including the financial services IT department, thus extending the benefits of the Work Excellence Method.

In conclusion, this case study demonstrates the power of the Work Excellence Method in transforming complex operational systems within a large IT department. By focusing on management systems and integrating visual management techniques, significant improvements in operational efficiency and cost reduction were achieved, with the method proving both sustainable and scalable.

IT Company Case Study
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