LIVE WEBINAR- Getting Leadership On The Same Page: Aligning Your HR Strategic Planning for 2025 – October 22, 2024 9:00 am – 10:30 am EST

Work Excellence is a method for any organization that wants to get better. It helps you get and stay on the same page with your team. You simply reach your goals faster. 

Webinar Agenda:

  • Quick Poll
  • Introductions
  • HR’s Voice
  • The Work Excellence Method
  • Employee Onboarding Example
  • Employee Life Cycle Example
  • Getting Strategic Feedback
  • Webinar Close




  • Collaborative Environment:  Limited to 10 participants for a collaborative experience with no recording for candid discussions.
  • Networking & Collaboration:  Connect with HR professionals and discuss hot spots in an engaging setting.
  • Real-Time Feedback:  Participate in live feedback and surveys to share your insights and experiences.
  • Strategic Tool:  Learn the Work Excellence Method and take the tools back to your team to jump-start strategic planning for 2025.
  • Practical Examples: See real-life examples of New Hire Onboarding and the Employee Life Cycle to enhance and drive strategic conversations.
  • HR Function Assessment:  Access to a comprehensive HR Function Assessment to guide your strategic planning.
  • Priority Workshop Access:  Come and bring your team for a working Workshop on 09/17/24 in Columbus, OH. A day focused on your strategic planning for HR.


Additional information

Leverage your Strategic Planning

Join us for an exclusive 1.5 hour LIVE Webinar designed for HR Leaders and Executives. Discover how to enhance your strategic planning with a focus on HR.

Leverage your Seat

Leverage your seat at the Executive table. Limited seats available. Sign up now to reserve your seat!


Our commitment to you — by using the Work Excellence Method you will:

Use a Common Method

Get on the same page for deeper connections and true collaboration.

Create Current State Clarity
See and understand your work based on facts, not emotions.

Be able to Focus Forward
Know and be accountable for your next steps.

Sustain your Momentum
Continue successful patterns that work; thereby, creating more value.

Work Excellence process improvement activities typically include these features.

Additional information

Leverage your Strategic Planning

Join us for an exclusive 1.5 hour LIVE Webinar designed for HR Leaders and Executives. Discover how to enhance your strategic planning with a focus on HR.

Leverage your Seat

Leverage your seat at the Executive table. Limited seats available. Sign up now to reserve your seat!

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