Are you seeing really high costs relating to your supply chain issues?

Oct 25, 2022

Are you experiencing increased costs due to the supply chain issue?  You are not alone.

If you are a manufacturing or distribution company, you’ve seen costs increase dramatically over the past 18 to 24 months, and it seems like there’s no end.

The following are the top 4 increased costs that we’re hearing about from our customers and connections:

  • Increased cost of raw materials
  • Rising labor costs
  • Increased logistic costs
  • Increased cost of carrying your inventory

In this video, Work Excellence co-founder Brian Cain discusses these costs in more detail and offers solutions to help your company to minimize or even negate them. 

If you are experiencing any or all of these inventory issues, reach out to us at 844-448-0488. We can help.

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